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Welcome East HJCC Students!

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

Welcome East HJCC Students!

We are honoured to be hosting delegates and chairs from the United World College of South East Asia East Campus here at Dover for an in-person HJCC committee. The committee is composed of delegates representing various Heads of State who have spent the day recreating and adding new twists to the 1991 Gulf War.

Lila Salaria, a Grade 10 student from UWC East, representing the UK Secretary of State Tom King has expressed her excitement at being able to take part in an in-person committee once again. Despite having attended 4 conferences, and chaired at 2 more, this is her first time in HJCC. She hopes that this will be a "novel experience" which will allow her to gain new knowledge of procedure and more experience as a delegate.

Brendan Teh, a Grade 9 East student, representing the UK Secretary of State for Foreign Commonwealth commented that despite this being the last in-person conference of the year, he is "most definitely" excited to take part in the HJCC. This committee's procedure is unfamiliar to him too, so he hopes to learn more about this over the next two days. Even though he has taken part in 10 MUN conferences before, Brendan hopes that DOVERMUN will reintroduce him to making speeches and POIs in person again.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the remaining of our committees are being conducted online through various Zoom sessions. Although we look forward to hosting all of the delegates and chairs on campus in future conferences, the DOVERMUN WebApp has allowed for an equally effective means of communication, keeping the conference lively and enriching!


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