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DOVERMUN 2021 Day 2

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

DOVERMUN 2021 Day 2

The inaugural DOVERMUN conference has now elapsed! Thank you to all of the delegates and chairs for taking part in the fast paced and action-packed experience the past two days has been. This conference was incredibly memorable for everyone involved, and the Executive Committee look forward to your continued support as we further develop the DOVERMUN programme.

Despite the initial confusion on Day 1 causing the conference to have its toughest moments, once the delegates and chairs familiarised themselves with the WebApp, the conference drastically improved. Ananya Venkatesh, the Chief of Staff shared that the highlight of the conference was definitely the in-person HJCC committee. They had the advantage of face to face debate, as well as "fun elements such as staged kidnappings, hostage videos, rescue missions and assassinations." She believes that even though there is "a lot to learn and improve," the virtual first-ever UWC Dover conference was surely a success!

Ananya hopes that every delegate and chair has left this conference understanding the importance of working together to solve issues and "the power of collaboration even when there are differing viewpoints and obstacles." Even during a global pandemic, there are "ways to continue to engage in activities we find interesting." Though the future of the world is uncertain, she maintains hope that the next conference will be in-person, "so we can expand it, make it bigger, introduce more intermediate/advanced committees," and more!

The closing ceremony included remarks from our Director General, MUN Director and Secretariat. The chairs of each committee also shared their fondness of the experience, and the pride they felt for all of the delegate's in their committee. Every single delegate's participation and perseverance was the reason this conference was as exciting and monumental as it was. Below are some of the very impressive accomplishment from each committee:

General Assembly 1 (DISEC) - 134 speeches, 320 POIs and 41 amendments

General Assembly 4 (SPECPOL) - 90 speeches, 296 POIs and 49 amendments

General Assembly 6 (Legal) - 113 speeches, 198 POIs and 34 amendment

Security Council - 59 speeches, 207 POIs and 19 amendments

ECOSOC - 78 speeches, 288 POIs and 17 amendments

HRC - 126 speeches, 240 POIs and 23 amendments

HJCC - 98 speeches and 188 amendments

A final thank you to everyone involved for making this conference a success, and we hope to see you again (and in-person) next year!

To view more pictures from the conference, please check out our official Instagram: @dovermun


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