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How much does it cost for me to attend the conference?

Per participant, the DOVERMUN Conference will have an attendance fee of $130 SGD.

Is the conference online or in person?

The DOVERMUN team is pleased to announce that it will be hosting our second ever all in-person conference in 2024! Schools all over Singapore will be welcomed onto our campus on Dover Road for 3 full days!

Can I attend as an independent delegate?

As this will be the forth DOVERMUN conference, the event is invite-only. However, in the next few years, we plan on opening the conference up to a larger audience.

How can I apply to be a student officer?

Student officer applications have officially closed. Every year they are sent directly to the attending schools. Thus if you missed it this year, we advise you to contact your school's MUN Director/Coordinator for more information in following years. Alternatively, you can usually find the application form on our STOFF Application page. It is important to note we only accept applications from attending schools.

Is this a laptop or paper conference?

In order to act in accordance with UWCSEA's sustainability practices, we will be hosting a laptop conference.

Are there awards at the end of the conference?

Yes! There will be awards for 'Best Delegate', 'Best Speaker' and 'Most Diplomatic'.

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